Can people change?

I gotta stop doing this...
thinking that people change - because they don't.
Trust me, I've seen it and I've tried it...

It took me almost 2 years to understand that.

I started with you. I really really thought you could change and I worked very hard for that - but everytime
I ended up as the hurt one.
It got so far that it took me more than a year to get over all of it. And still...I can't forgive you and the worst part is that I can't forget it!
It doesn't matter how hard I try.
It's always there...

I needed to proove to myself that it was YOU who just couldn't change.
But I think I was wrong.

I thought people could change if they understood that they needed to.
But obviously not!
And now I'm done trying and done waiting for people to do that.
If they can't see it, then... I'm giving up.

At least I tried...



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