smart sagt!

"The important thing is not to be bitter over life's disappointments.
Learn to let go of the past.
And recognize that every day won't be sunny,
and when you find yourself lost in the darkness and despair,
remember it's only in the black of night you see the stars.
And those stars will lead you back home.

So don't be afraid to make mistakes, to stumble and fall, cause most of the time,
the greatest rewards come from doing the things that scare you the most.
Maybe you'll get everything you wish for.
Maybe you'll get more than you ever could have imagined.
Who knows where life will take you.
The road is long and in the end,
the journey is the destination."

                (¸.·´¨)¸¸.·¨ ¯`·♥

Postat av: Christina

Jo minsann. Hördu, jag skall vara ledig en vecka och så den 1.8 börjar mitt nya jobb. Har fått ett vikariat på dagis i Sundom så åtminstone fram till 31.12 skall jag vara där tillsammans med 1- och 2-åringar, som barnträdgårdslärare. :) Är supernöjd att få in foten någonstans.

2011-07-11 @ 17:52:50

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